Applications can be downloaded from this website below to Rent a desired property . Also you can contact Property Experts and we will mail you an Rental Application. There is a non-refundable application fee of $60.
1. The Rental Application must be completely filled out and signed by applicant(s). No one under 18 years of age can apply as a party to a Residential Leasing Agreement. Application Fees may be paid by Credit Card, Money Orders or Cash. Personal Checks are not accepted.
2. If you currently Rent your place of residence, please sign the bottom of the Rental Verification Form.
3. Provide two most recent paycheck stubs from you current employer. Self Employed applicants must provide two most recent Bank Statements or a P&L Statement.
4. If you have Pet(s) you must include a recent picture of pet, i.e. Dog, Cat Aquarium Size, etc. You must complete the Pet Application Form.
5. Provide a photo copy of Driver License or Valid Photo I.D. of everyone over 18 years of age.
6. Provide current Phone Numbers of current Employer, current and past Landlords.
7. To move into a Residential Property, a $100 fee will be added toward the Move-In Expense.
Applications are completed within 1-2 Business Days.
8. Email your Rental Application to the Rental Application Email Request yellow button.
CA Residential Rental Application (pdf)
DownloadPet Request Form (pdf)
DownloadRental Agrmt On-Line (pdf)
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